It's another Song Fight song! It's a sort of goth folk number about the effort to keep a low profile while navigating systems one despises. The optional challenge was hand percussion and my track sort of has some, it's just that I ran it through my guitar effects pedal and it wound up sounding a bit like something the Radiophonic Workshop would have done in the 60s for Doctor Who.
06 December 2019
02 November 2019
Elemenopee, My Dear Watson
Last week, Noah Garfinkel tweeted a clip of a slightly modified version of the familiar ABC song. The recording, from the Dream English Kids YouTube channel, is below:
Twitter, generally, did not approve of this version of the song. Presumably, the intention of the arrangement is to avoid cramming the letters L, M, N, O, and P together in the manner that the version I've always sung does. This is not actually a bad idea. As pointed out in this Song Fight thread.
Having been thus called to action, I made the following attempt to keep all the letters separated without rendering the song awful:
16 September 2019
Girl Ray: A single short blast from my Feminator should suffice...
After finishing Work for Eidolon Hands, I thought to myself, "Now it's time to write some songs about things I actually like." So, here's a song about drinking tea. The optional challenge on Song Fight was for three part harmony and I've had a go at that in the chorus.
30 August 2019
Kindly Show Men
Well, I've got another entry in on Song Fight! This one is about how utterly overwhelming all the motion that goes on during society's waking hours feels.
24 June 2019
03 April 2019
With Lolling Thieves: Too Lazy to Steal
So, here's a picture that may or may not be the cover of my second album. It's only been fifteen years since the first one, so it's probably past time—now or never. I expect it to be out sometime this autumn (I am currently working to a schedule designed with a late November release in mind, but may be able to shave a bit of time off here and there).
Nothing's in stone until there's an actual release, but here's the current projected track listing:
1. Sing Us Round (Square States)
2. (Not On) The Cards
3. Tearing History Down
4. Blue Woman Yes
5. No Arcanum
6. Guessing Game
7. We are Perfect in Our Dreams
8. Library Ghost
9. Your Discarded Cigarette
10. Broken Bottle
11. Crack in the Wall
12. Smoldering Joy
A lot of these are polished-up reworkings of songs that have been floating around online for some time now. There are a few things you probably won't have heard before, though.
23 March 2019
Fop Era Attic Hulk - Pictures Forthcoming
I've got a new song up in the current Song Fight! Featuring the optional challenge: operatic vocals.
15 February 2019
Bok! Whack!: Hitting You on the Head with My Rubber Chicken
I had a rummage through my files and dug up this early version of Little Steps. It was up on the internet in various places before Questionable Fidelity came out, but had been replaced with the album version of the song everywhere I looked. It was interesting for me to hear this again after a decade and change. While there are things I like about it, the album version is a definite improvement in my book!